Welcome to Storyboard Bootcamp!
Storyboard Bootcamp is a blog intended for artists to learn, and improve their storyboarding skills by boarding to weekly challenges and giving/receiving feedback.
Please start by reading this post "Join/How it Works" before participating in Storyboard Bootcamp. It contains important information and links that you'll need to make the most out of this website.


Manners and rules regarding posting:
1) Anonymous comments are welcome.
2) Try to comment on as many boards as you can. The comments and critique are the most crucial part of Storyboard Bootcamp. By receiving feedback, you learn from your own board's strengths and weaknesses. By giving feedback, you learn from others' boards.
3) Do not make inappropriate comments. If a comment is determined to be inappropriate and not making a valid contribution to the storyboard, it will be open to being deleted by admin.
4) Please keep politeness and respect in mind when commenting. All storyboards are the product of an artists hard work and effort.
5) Try to make specific critiques and suggestions. Overall comments such as "good" and "bad" are not helpful compared more specific responses, such as "some poses were unclear" or "180 degree rule is broken on panel 7".
6) Don't be afraid to be honest. As long as you are polite about it, an honest critique is a lot more helpful than a dishonest praise.
7) Be open-minded, both as a storyboarder and a commenter. Some critique can be hard to take in when you worked so hard on a storyboard, but it is intended as help. Also, other comments may directly disagree with yours, but both opinions are equally important and it should not be taken personally.
8) Pick and choose what advice you take, but appreciate any and every piece of feedback. It is important to appreciate all the feedback you get, but you don't have to listen to every bit of advice you get on your storyboard. It's your story and you get the last call. All comments and critique are just pieces of advice.

--- Feel free to contact us at for any questions, comments, suggestions and concerns about Storyboard Bootcamp.